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As a leading mold manufacturer in Taiwan, we make precision molds for plastic molders including automotive, fitness, sports, household, computer and hardware items. Our buyers come from more than 20 countries, including North American, Europe and Aisa. Featuring unparalleled mold design/manufacture experience and advanced technical know-how, we are equipped with high-speed CNC machines, EDMs attached with automatic tool-change on our production lines, which enable us to provide automatic (light-off) machining process, save production cost and enhance quality of molds. By delivering high-speed precision molds with the highest C/P values, we can offer efficient tools that enable customers to optimize plastic molding. Please contact us for further information. We believe we can be your competitive edge in the market.
Longvast International is part of a conglomerate with strong expertise in developing and manufacturing security/safety related products. We are committed to providing the best low-cost products and solutions in security/safety and surveillance related technologies to our customers. So far we have successfully developed several series of products such as Biometric Finger Scanner for Access and Time & Attendance Control, GPS-based Personal Travel Assistant, Mega-pixel IP Camera, GSM/Infrared Integrated Anti-Burglar Device, etc. With the corporate mission of “All for your protection” we have been focusing on the security/safety fields, and we keep on adopting new technologies and innovation to develop and provide customers with better solutions or better choices for better life. Our four core values of “Integrity First”, “People Oriented”, “Customers Focused” and “Win-Win” have been the guidelines of Longvast International’s code of conducts and decision-making process. We believe that continual efforts to stick to these core values will enable us to maintain happy internal and external customers, to realize ever-lasting prosperity, and most importantly to tangibly enrich our life.
尼戈貿易有限公司成立迄今已逾二十年,總代理潤滑油、機油品牌含義大利 IP艾比機油,比利時 SUNOCO太陽機油及德國 SRS機油等。 公司網站: http://ip.web66.com.tw facebook: http://www.facebook.com/motor.oils 關係企業網站: http://www.bizol.com.tw
成龍商務有限公司創立於1983年. 初期針對台北縣市小型貨品運送以機車為主,隨後採用貨車運送大型物件. 並於1990年成為業界最具規模的快遞公司. 其後更因送貨品質,速度成為各行業御用快遞, 至此發展至今將至20年, 享有20年的好商譽, 為大台北快遞業界的元老. 成龍快遞有別於新式分區快遞,採用沿路收送方式,配合每位外務人員位置已達到 [ 收/送 ] 工作效率/ 取送時間最迅速化. 藉此達到客戶對於快遞界的需求, 因此20年間商家流傳著一句話, “要快, 就要叫成龍” . 於2011年, 本公司將會開始規劃進行e 化以及 M 化作業以作公司擴展用途, 其中包括衛星定位系統, PDA系統 以及CTI 系統等等. 未來本公司將陸續將公司營運範圍擴大至全省, 以真正達成本公司一條龍的精神. 至此, 我們期盼有更多敢於計畫, 提供意見, 積極工作的夥伴加入成龍商務. Chenglon Express was founded in 1983 which first focused on Taipei motorcycle deliveries and then later include the truck delivery service. In 1990, Chenglon became the largest and most famous delivery company. Furthermore, due to the high standards of service, our company has become the top priority choice for industries in Taipei for 20 years and even today. Unlike other companies, Chenglon uses a one-route method which requires only one worker to pick up the item and delivered to the desired address without transferring the item to another co-worker which increases efficiency ,shortens the time of delivery and achieves a good satisfactory from customers. Therefore, Chenglon has a traditional slogan that translates,” Want Fast, Call Chenglon.” In 2011, our company plans to start using advanced technologies which includes GPS locating service, PDA system, CTI system, etc. In the future, we hope to expand our company further to all of the cities in Taiwan. To achieve the “dragon spirit”, better service, better efficiency, better satisfaction
Established in 1996 Winchip Technology Corp. was founded in 1996, Bring together expertise in the area of memory products design, reliability engineering, manufacturing, and product marketing.To meet its leadership responsibility to the industry, the company’s core competence is 1. to stay at forefront of new technologies 2. to satisfy customer needs through innovation 3. to deliver service in a fast/ save client/server model 4. to focus on market product demand   Winchip will continue to focus on expanding and enhancing its current products through an aggressive research and development, and marketing program. We are making every effort to stay ahead for the benefit of the user of our products. Therefore, we all strive continuously to maintain our ability to accept change to secure our future 永采科技資訊股份有限公司創立於1996年,一向秉持踏實、誠信之經營理念在這競爭的世代中穩健成長。    我們以自我研發的軟硬體,致力於DRAM領域的測試、製程、品質改善為目標,並且在技術能力與品質標準上努力領先同業,並通過ISO9001:2008認證。 在DRAM產業裡,堅持與廠商客戶共同努力,締造更好的績效。 期盼秉持相同理念的你,成為我們的夥伴。
歡迎公司行號免費試用本公司所生產及承銷之氣體,包括氧氣/氮氣/乙炔/氬氣/氦氣/二氧化碳/笑氣/混合氣體。品質極佳、經濟實惠。 本公司除了銷售桶裝氣體,也提供槽車服務。有意願者,請透過郵件[email protected] 或撥打我們的服務專線0976005919(阿諾),我們會立即報價。也 可以到我們的網站上留言 http://soeasy.no-ip.biz
成立時間: 西元1944年 總部設於美國, 全球佈點:共32個 、歐洲 美洲 、亞洲 、中南美洲 經營理念: EBSCO Information Services is the leading service provider of e-journal, e-book and e-journal package and print subscriptions, e-resource management tools, full-text and secondary databases, and related services for all types of libraries and research organizations. In its seventh decade of business, EBSCO upholds relationships with more than 79,000 publishers globally. These publisher relationships uniquely position us to streamline many aspects of the e-resource life cycle. EBSCO maintains a Dun Bradstreet financial strength rating of 5A1, the highest awarded, which underscores the importance we place on providing outstanding, ethical service. Please visit our website: www.ebsco.com or www.ebsco.com.tw EBSCO 公司擁近七十年的歷史,企業多元化經營與迅速成長,擴展至製造業及其他服務業的等行業。 EBSCO 不僅在亞洲,更是全球最大的期刊代理商,提供國際線上訂購,迄今在期刊同儕中EBSCO仍是科技的先趨者。EBSCO 目前員工分布全球五大洲,並於三十二個國家皆設有分公司,員工數超過6千人,注重與地區客戶的面對面接觸,並常定期拜訪聯繫客戶。 更多資訊請參閱 www.ebsco.com 或 www.ebsco.com.tw 榮耀事蹟: EBSCO 財務狀況健全,據全球知名鄧白氏財務析評鑑報告中,EBSCO 榮獲最優的 5A1 等級,另外,EBSCO 已連續數年,被著名富比士雜誌遴選為美國前兩百大之優良私人企業。 企業文化: Our Seven Values Customer First Our jobs and our company’s future come from the customer. Sales We educate and persuade to offer our products and services as far and wide as the market opportunity exists. Growth We are committed to growing revenues and business activities. Profitability Profits provide the resources to maintain operations, to invest in new opportunities and to ensure a financially secure organization. Engineering We must constantly seek to identify and to develop ways to realize opportunities for positive change. Thrift The need for economy stands as an eternal verity. People People make the difference when they work together as a knowledgeable, productive and motivated team.
聖坤營造有限公司為乙級營造廠,秉持品質創新服務精神,完成每一件工程案件。公司網址 http://skg.no-ip.biz/V3/index.html
TrueTel Technologies is an international start-up company with headquarters in Silicon Valley, USA and an R&D center in Taipei. We specialize in building the next generation platform to deliver applications and services o converged communications services. Our expertises include IP Telephony, AIN/IN, VoIP, WAP, and OSS. We are familiar with standards and APIs including SS7, H.323, SIP, MGCP, JTAPI, PARLAY, and JAIN. Our software technologies are based on state-of-the-art distributed object oriented environment such as Enterprise Java Beans and CORBA. We target carrier- grade communications services providers as our customers and will explore the revolutionary IP communications market in the global space. We don t just offer jobs; we offer an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.
本所位於台中市分為專利部及商標部等2個專責部門,本所專利部門及商標部門主要成員,於智慧財產權漸成國內科法領域新顯學的民國80年代中後期,即任職於國內首屈一指知名國際型智財權事務所;專任相關專業領域之承辦工作,在豐富、多元國內外智慧財產權的承辦案件中累積無價的實務經驗。 本所主要成員除已具備成熟的智財專業經驗外,透過國內外智財案件承辦及網路科技的一日千里、無遠弗屆智財資訊蒐集,更加熟稔各國智慧財產權典章制度及實務經驗。 本所為具備豐富智慧財產權實務經驗之專業服務團隊,並與世界各國主要智慧財產權事務所串連成堅強的國際智慧財產權服務網絡,藉由整合性嫻熟的專業服務,除能滿足您對智慧財產權保護之需求,並自許以「專注完美、近乎苛求」的處事態度;將客戶委託代理之案件視同自己要辦的案件,以長年累積的專業經驗及道德良知幫客戶作好案件把關的份內職責,以期不負客戶的殷殷期待與信任。 About Us Let Surpassip Light Up Your New IP Vision!  Our firm was founded in 2008 in Taiwan. All our three main partners have been experienced in the Intellectual Property field for more than 15 years. They have served Taiwan‘s top ranking IP firms of MIP’s IP Annual Survey since the 1990’s. Our team is committed to developing excellence in the practice of trademark and patent and providing comprehensive IP service with top-level quality in Taiwan and China. ●本所服務優勢 Our Superior Service 1.本所堅信『專利』為產業技術與法律結合的科技法律;『商標』則為品牌行銷策略與法律 結合的商業行銷法律,兩個截然不同的專業領域雖都通稱「智慧財產權」。基於術業有專攻的專業堅持與專業至上考量, 我們將專利及商標兩種不同專業的KNOW-HOW予以分流,而非坊間常見專利商標事務所從業人員主攻專利、兼作商標的一人多用, 淪為啥都會、啥都不專的簽約蓋印章公差。 2.本所商標及專利部門主要從業人員, 皆為歷經國內知名一線大型國際性專利商標事務所出身,並已接受十五年以上正規教育訓練及豐富案件承辦經驗。而非坊間常見讀個兩本智慧財產權相關書籍,過水一下就號稱是商標/智財權界的達人、專家,以略懂智財空泛理論、紙上談兵之姿拿您委辦案件練功夫。 抑或是只負責接案、不負責品管把關,以件計酬等業績分紅、對案件是准是駁已經麻木的業務人員。 3.本所設立於台中市北區忠明路為實體事務所,並向經濟部商業司完成公司設立及國稅局稅籍登記而非網路虛擬個人工作室,隨時歡迎蒞臨參觀。
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